It was the perfect vacation -- the perfect honeymoon. For the most part, we had great weather and even the one day of rain didn't cause any great strife. It was warm and the resort was beautiful.
The best part was the fact we had time. We had the luxury of 10 days where we had no one to answer to, no clients to serve, no Blackberries to answer, no schedule dictating our moments. It was liberating. We had the freedom to sit and just talk without one eye on a watch, hoping we can get it all in before the next item on the agenda summons one of us away.
And I wish someone had told me earlier how HOT married sex is. You guys have been keeping this a secret way too long. My husband... oh my heart flutters when I say that ... my husband brought me to places I didn't know existed.
Today's about unpacking and convincing the cat to forgive us for having abandoned her in a ludicrously expensive cat spa for a week, laundry and then we're both back to reality.
To all our well wishers, thank you. A special thank you to Douglas, my fellow Latin lover, for the gift of the Epithalamium. It was enjoyed by both of us -- of course, I was the one who got all misty eyed.
The Unconscious Mind
4 days ago
doll: How wonderful! And, I so remember the joys of being able to say "my husband" for the first times, too. I *still* do enjoy it.